EAMbrace® offers various pricing options based on:
Hosting Solutions
- On-Premise - EAMbrace® will be installed on your server and will leverage your IT infrastructure
- Hosted - Gaurik® will host and manage EAMbrace® on one of it's dedicated server on Gaurik® premises
- SaaS/Cloud - EAMbrace® will be hosted on dedicated cloud for you at Gaurik®'s trusted cloud partners and offered as subscription/service
Customers can also price benefit from selections they make in EAMbrace®
- Modules opted - There are 6 modules to select from. Though some core modules are mandatory, EAMbrace® is highly configurable and users can practically select any combination
of modules that fit their business needs best
- Number of Users
- Number of Locations - You can choose which of your business locations you need EAMbrace® to be installed for
- Number of Assets/Asset Classes - Choose assets or asset classes to be transacted in EAMbrace® that brings most value to your business
For more pricing details, please contact us at sales@gaurik.net or
+1 (888) 308 0088 / +(91) 22 6166 8830/31